CHAPTER 12 of 22




Chapter 12 ----Sightseeing & shopping in London (2) [30 gaps]-------- INDEX | HOME

"Can we go to Oxford Street now?" he asks her.

"You’re ten ________________ early," she answers, "and I need to go to the second

bookshop in Charing Cross Road. It’s ___________ for one book. It ____________ take



"O.K., but please _______________!" says Arturo. "British shops close very early!

Many of them close at _____________ past five!"

They go to the second bookshop. Rosa is very lucky. The shop ___________________

is Spanish and studies Psychology. He finds the book very __________________. But

Arturo isn’t so lucky. Rosa has to wait in a long ________________ to pay for the



It is _______________ half past five and Arturo is becoming very impatient.

"Don’t worry!" says Rosa. "London is an ______________________ city. I’m sure

the big ________________ stores close later than other shops!"


Rosa is right. ___________ they arrive in Oxford Street, the large music ______________

are still open. Arturo finds ____________ he wants and pays for it very quickly.

He is happy now and tells Rosa about his new CD.

"It’s a ______________________ of songs by the American folk-singer Peggy Seeger!"

he explains. "The CD is an ______________________ import. I can’t find it in Spain."



"What _____________ she sing about?" Rosa asks.


"That’s a good question," answers Arturo, "______________________ the words of her

songs make you ________________. Some of them are about the social _________________ of

women. Others are about green politics and the _________________ we live in. I’m

sure you’ll like them!"


"When can I ________________ them?"


"Not now," answers Arturo, "because now we’re going to visit a very

interesting London pub in Holborn. The pub was the home of Britain’s

__________________ folk club. Peggy Seeger was one of the resident __________________. Her

husband and singing partner was Ewan MacColl. He’s dead now, but he

was the father of British folk music and writer of many great _______________."


"When can I hear these songs?" Rosa asks ____________________.


"Well, my CD player is at home in my flat. I don’t want to take my CDs

to school, so ________________ I could invite you home one day next week. Now,

I’m going to invite you to drink the best _______________ in London!"


"That’s very kind of you, but I think I’ll have an orange ________________!" Rosa

answers with a _________________ on her face.